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Pandemi Günlüğü

Pan- diary

This is my pandemic diary project.
A few days after pandemic was declared, I recieved an invitation from Berlin based artist group ‘Blaue Ampel’. They invited me to their pan-diary project. They were talking about a photo diary during the quarantine days. I joined the project as of March 20. I was thinking how many days would quarantine take? And how many and what photos can I take while in
quarantine at home? It was a challange for me.
My first photo is a seaside we went there for a walk, and I didn't be somewhere for a long while. Because seasides, parks, playgardens were closed
after that day. Then home days have started. I have a 2 months old baby. İn that time. My baby’s care was taking all my day, all days looked same and
taking a photo everyday became a important purpose for me. This quarantine was the first time I stayed at home for so long. When I started I had the thought that quarantine would take a few weeks. But it took so so much longer.

I decided to take the photos in black and white. To provide light and color harmony in the house. I tried to taking pictures in my own photography style in this project as well. I used horizontal and vertical lines, triangular and rectangular areas, black and white contrasts, and different textures within the boundaries of the house. I viewed every corner of the house and realized that I saw the place where I live every day with a different eye. I watched every
single stuff around me, I shoot everyday objects, most probably the things I never use in a photo in normal time, but now, they are my subject. I think most of us have spent enough time at home to see our home differently and we can see these photos differently than before we will.

There were many photographers from different parts of the world who took part in the project, everyone shared news from where they were, along with the photographs. Likewise, I shared my photos with news from Turkey.
If you want to see other photographers, all projects, you can visit blue-ampel’s webpage.

20 Mart - 25 Haziran 2020 tarihleri arasında çekilmiş 86 fotoğraftan oluşan fotografik günlük. 

Pan-diary, Berlin merkezli sanatçı grubu Blaue Ampel'in oluşturduğu bir fotografik günlük projesidir. çeşitli ülkelerden davet edilen sanatçılarla, pandemi döneminde önemli değişiklikler yaşadığımız günlük yaşamdan detaylarla bir bellek oluşturmayı hedefledi. Blaue Ampel'in daveti üzerine projede yer alan Şerife Aslan'ın fotoğrafları adresinden  ve @serifeaslanyavasca instagram hesabında görülebilir.

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